
Dr David

Speaker | Author | Coach


Tap into the wisdom and experience of Success expert and author of The Art of Deliberate Success – The 10 Behaviours of Successful People.


“Successful people are not busy,” is an idea that has influenced all my work for over 30 years. 

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  • Rated in the top 5% of conference and event speakers, Dr Keane is highly skilled in energising and inspiring your group to achieve success.

    Before the event, Dr Keane will engage with you to craft a talk that is specific to the exact needs of your group and the outcomes your organisation is seeking.

    Topic Themes

    1. 3 Strategies for Success and Productivity.

    Master these 3 strategies to achieve success with less effort. By being “less busy” we get better results.

    2. Success in a Post-Covid World.

    Since the pandemic we have fundamentally altered what is means to be successful. What was once the epitome of success, is now questionable. Success now is not what we might expect, and it impacts everything: how we plan our careers; how we organise our lives, and how we lead others.

    3. Secrets of Successful People.

    Learn the 10 behaviours that separate high-performing people from others. While not obvious, the 10 behaviours of success are learnable and practical to implement.

    4. Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times.

    Success strategies we can learn from stoic thinkers such as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus. By looking back, we see the future in a new way.

    5. 12 Books that will Change Your Life.

    Good books challenge our thinking, inspire us to new possibilities, and give us strategies to put into action in our professional and personal lives. By reading a book a month, in a year, you’ll be a different person.

  • Attend a 10 Behaviours of Successful People learning event with Dr Keane or other trainers. Masterclasses range from 2-day intensive experiences to shorter 1-day seminars that can be delivered in-house and customised for your group. Virtual and on-line options are available.

    David also personally delivers a small number of public masterclasses each year that are open to anyone.

    Visit the 10 Behaviours Website for more information.

  • Dr Keane is a seasoned coach with a track record of guiding people to see success in a new way within their professional and personal lives. With over 35 years of experience, and 5,000 coaching assignments, David knows how to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

    Typically, a coaching programme is 7 one-hour coaching sessions – over several months. We begin with a deep dive into what drives you and what’s important. Then we learn some tools of success to empower you to develop new habits. Next, we embed new behaviours to ensure success is impactful and enduring.

    Coaching is for everyone – irrespective of level, functional area, or background.


Join the thousands who have achieved success with The Art Of Deliberate Success


Work with me to help your people achieve professional and personal success.

10 Behaviours

Bring the power of the 10 Behaviours of Successful People programme to your organisation.